This Hindu Compliance System describes the fundamental concepts and principles of quality for making a deity which is commonly followed for all the Shaiva Sampradāya in Sanatana Hindu dharma. This standard will help organizations, businesses to create the deity with basic proportions and measurements mentioned in Hindu Scriptures which will hold the energy of the deity invoked in this form. This will also be applicable to the following:
— organizations seeking sustained success through the implementation of standard parameters for sizes;
— customers seeking confidence in an organization’s ability to consistently provide products and services conforming to their requirements;
— organizations seeking confidence in their supply chain to ensure that the product and service requirements are met;
— organizations and interested parties seeking to improve communication through a common understanding of the vocabulary used in quality management;
— organizations performing conformity assessments against the requirements of deity making
— providers of training, assessment, or advice in quality control & management;
— developers of related standards.
Fundamental Concepts and Principles
- The face, neck, navel, heart, and thee pubic region should be formed with a measurement of 9 inches (one Vitasti), the measurement of the chest should be 18 inches (2 vitasti), the portions below the chest and likewise, the neck, knee, and ankle are to be formed with 3 inches (four angulas)
- The measurement of legs should be 10.5 inches (fourteen angulas), and that of shoulders should be 13.5 inches (18 angulas).
- The palms (hasta tala) are to be formed with a measurement of 5.25 inches (7 angulas).
- The middle finger is to be formed with a height of 3.75 inches (5 angulas), the ring finger and the forefinger - 3.375 inches (four and a half angulas); the thumb and the little finger - 3 inches (four angulas)
- The thickness of each digit of the middle finger should be about 1.5 inches (2 angulas); that of the ring and forefinger should be 1 13/32 inches (one angula and seven yavas - 1 yava is 1/8th of an angula), the little finger 1 5/16 inches (1 angula and 6 yavas). The root middle and top digits of the middle finger should have a length of 1.5 inches (2 angulas), 1.5 inches (2 angulas) and 3/4th inch (1 angula) respectively. Those of the fore and ring fingers should be in a length of 3/32 inch (one yava) less than the previous measurements and those of the thumb and the little finger should be in a length of 3/16 inches (two yavas) less than the previous measurements or, the length of the digits of the forefinger be taken as to be equal to that of the middle finger and the thumb.
- The nail of each finger should be a 3/32 inch (yava) more than half of the length of the top digit of that particular finger.
- The thickness of the digits of the thumb should be about 3 inches (4 angulas); that of those of the middle finger should be one by eight parts less than the thickness of the thumb. The thickness of the digits of other fingers is shortened according to their length.
- The height of forehead is 3 inches (four angulas); nose stem - 3 inches (four angulas); tip of the nose - 1 11/16 inches (two angulas and one yava); slopes (two sides of the nose) - 1 ⅛ inch (one and a half angulas). Eyes - length 1.5 inches (two angulas) and width ¾ inch (one angula); eyeball (tāraka) - 3/5th of the lateral measurement of eye droṇa (the trough of eye) - length, ¾ inch (one angula) and width ⅜ inch (half of an angula), lower lip - ¾ inch (one angula) upper lip - ⅜ inch (1/2 angula); chin - 1.5 inches (2 angulas); hollow of ear (garta) - width of ¾ inch (one angula); ear (karnapāsa) - length 3 inches (4 angulas) and width 1.5 inches (2 angulas).
- The height of the portion from the upper part of the neck to the crest should be 9 inches (12 angulas)
- The forehead should have (a lateral measurement) a length of 13.5 inches (18 angulas)
- The circumference of the head should be 27 inches (36 angulas)
- The space between the two breasts is to be formed according to the length of the chest
- The diameter of the nut at the centre of the black circular nipple is 3/32 inch (one yava); diameter of the circular nipple is 3/16 inch (2 yavas)
- The length of the scrotum is 11 ¼ inches (five angulas)
- The length of the penis resting on the middle portion of the testicles is 4.5 inches (6 angulas). Above the portion of testicles (kośa), the thickness of the penis must be 3 inches (4 angulas).
- The space between the front portions of knees should be 13.5 inches (18 angulas), the thickness of the middle portion of knees should be 15 ¾ inches (twenty-one angulas).
- The length of upper arms - 9 inches (12 angulas) and that of forearms - 12 inches (16 angulas)
- Toes of the legs should be in a length of 2 ¼ inches (three angulas); thickness of the toes - 3 ¾ inches (five angulas). The forefingers of the legs should be 2 ¼ inches (three angulas) in length. Other fingers (excluding the little fingers) should be one by 16 parts less than the length of the toes. The length of each nail should be half of the front digit of each finger. The thickness of the forefinger (of the legs) should be 2 ¼ inches (three angulas) and that of other fingers should be one by 8 parts less than the thickness of the forefinger
- The space between the eyebrows should be ¾ inch (one angula).
- The height of the crown must be 9 inches (12 angulas)
- On dividing the height of an image into 9 equal parts one part should have a measurement of 9 inches or 6 inches (12 or 8 angulas).
- All the images belonging to the group of goblins(vetalas) are to be made with a length not exceeding 18 inches (2 vitastis); those of kinnaras etc should have a height of 63 inches (7 vitastis); those of vamana, kubja should have a height 3, 5 or 7 parts less than the previous measurement.
The above standards have been taken into consideration from Kirana-āgama, Vyakta Liṃga Lakṣaṇa Vidhiḥ, Shloka 12-36, which is foremost amongst the Shaiva-agama. At the time of publication, the edition indicated was valid. All the standards are subjected to revision considering that it is compliant to Veda-āgama. All the interested parties are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the improvements in the above standards.
तया मुखं भवेत्तस्य तद्वत् हृत् कण्ठ देशतः |
नाभिस्तदा हृदो ज्ञेयो गुह्यमेवं भवेत् खग || १२
वितस्तिद्वययुक्तं स्यात् उरोमानमधस्तथा |
कण्ठ जानुस्तथा गुल्फं भवेतच्चतुरङ्गुलम् || १३
चतुर्दशाङ्गुलः पादो बाह्वर्धं षोडशाङ्गुलं |
अष्टादशाङ्गुलाद्यं च चाद्यं बाहुद्वयं भवेत् || १४
तलं हस्तस्य विज्ञेयम् अङ्गुलैस्सप्तभिस्समम् |
मध्यं पञ्चाङ्गुलैर्ज्ञेयं तथैवार्धाङ्गुलं विना || १५
अनामा तर्जनी ज्ञेया दैर्घ्यमानेनसंस्थित |
तस्या ह्यर्धाङ्गुलोSङ्गुष्ठः कनिष्ठा तत्समा मता || १६
मध्यमायास्तु सवं स्यात् द्व्यङ्गुल द्व्यङ्गुलाङ्गुलैः |
ज्ञेयाSङ्गुलि द्वयस्यापि यवह्रासौ तु पूर्वगौ || १७
कर्तव्यौ दिश्यवौ ह्रसौ कणिष्ठायान्तु पूर्वगः |
तर्जनीं पूर्ववद्वृद्धि मध्यमाङ्गुष्ठ पर्वकम् || १८
तत्स्याद्यवादिकं चान्यतग्रपर्वार्धतो नखाः |
अङ्गुष्ठपर्वयोर् नाहश्चतुरङ्गुल सम्मितः || १९
मध्यमाष्टांशतो ह्रासश्शेषानां भगवानिति |
कर्तव्यन्तु यथा ह्रासादङ्गुलीनाञ्च पञ्चकम् || २०
ललाटं तच्चतुर्भिस्स्यान्नासावंशस्तथा मतः |
यवाग्रैर्द्व्यङ्गुलोत्सेधो निम्नन्तस्यार्धमन्गुलम् || २१
अक्षिणी द्व्यङ्गुलायामे तदर्धं वुसृते मते |
तर्काल्तु त्रिभागेन जातिस्स्यात् पञ्चभागिकम् || २२
अन्गुलार्धं भवेद्द्रोणं द्व्यर्धमङ्गुलमायतम् |
अधरोSष्टानङ्गुलेन स्यात्तदर्धश्चोत्तरो भवेत् || २३
द्वयङ्गुलं हनुरुद्दिष्टा भवेद्गSर्ध विस्तृता |
द्विकलं सृतिपाशस्स्यात् द्व्यङ्गुलं विस्तृतं भवेत् || २४
द्वादशाङ्गुलकैः कण्ठ ऊर्ध्वयोर्मस्तकस्थितिः |
अष्टदशाङ्गुला ज्ञेया ललाटफलकास्थितिः || २५
षठिंशदङ्गुलानीह नाहो यश्शिरसो मतः |
स्तनान्तरमुखं ज्ञेयं यवमात्रौ तु चूचुकौ || २६
द्वियवम्मण्डलं ज्ञेयं वृषणौ ह्यङ्गुलायतौ |
तन्मध्य संस्थितं मेढ्रं तस्य दैर्घं षडङ्गुलम् || २७
भवेन्नाहेन कोशोर्ध्वनि मेढ्रं स्याच्चतुरङ्गुलम् |
जङ्घाग्रे पादपनाहं तन्मध्येSष्टादशाङ्गुलम् || २८
एकविंशतिनाहेन जानुमध्योSङ्गुलेन तु |
द्वादशाग्र करो ज्ञेयः प्रबाहुष्षोडशाङ्गुलम् || २९
त्र्यङ्गुलाङ्गुष्ठकः पादौ द्वितयस्तत्ततो भवेत् |
पञ्चाङ्गुल परीणाहस्तद्वद्दैर्घ्यात्प्रदेशिनी || ३०
षोडशांशेन हीनास्सुश्शेषाः पवार्धतो नखाः|
तर्जन्यास्त्र्यङ्गुलो नाहः कर्तव्योSष्टांश ह्रासतः || ३१
परीणाहोSङ्गुलीनान्तु शेषाणामिह चोदितः |
भूमध्यमङ्गुलं ज्ञेयं मकुटं द्वादशाङ्गुलम् || ३२
यः कश्चित्प्रतिमायामो नवभाग विभाजितः |
तेषामेकस्य भागस्य द्वादाशाष्टाङ्गुला मताः || ३३
तेनस्वाङ्गुलमनेन प्रत्यङ्गङ्गं भवेदिह |
एवमेवात्र सङ्क्षेपात्प्रतिमा चोदिता मया || ३४
सवेतालादिकाः कार्या वितस्तिद्वयसाधिताः |
वितस्तिसप्तकेनस्मात् किङ्करादिप्रकल्पना || ३५
त्रिपञ्चताल हीनास्स्युर्वामनाः कुब्जकाश्चये |
ज्ञात्वा संयक्प्रकर्तव्याप्रतिमायास्स्वरूपतः || ३६
tayā mukhaṃ bhavettasya tadvat hṛt kaṇṭha deśataḥ |
nābhistadā hṛdo jñeyo guhyamevaṃ bhavet khaga || 12
vitastidvayayuktaṃ syāt uromānamadhastathā |
kaṇṭha jānustathā gulphaṃ bhavetaccaturaṅgulam || 13
caturdaśāṅgulaḥ pādo bāhvardhaṃ ṣoḍaśāṅgulaṃ |
aṣṭādaśāṅgulādyaṃ ca cādyaṃ bāhudvayaṃ bhavet || 14
talaṃ hastasya vijñeyam aṅgulaissaptabhissamam |
madhyaṃ pañcāṅgulairjñeyaṃ tathaivārdhāṅgulaṃ vinā || 15
anāmā tarjanī jñeyā dairghyamānenasaṃsthita |
tasyā hyardhāṅguloSṅguṣṭhaḥ kaniṣṭhā tatsamā matā || 16
madhyamāyāstu savaṃ syāt dvyaṅgula dvyaṅgulāṅgulaiḥ |
jñeyāSṅguli dvayasyāpi yavahrāsau tu pūrvagau || 17
kartavyau diśyavau hrasau kaṇiṣṭhāyāntu pūrvagaḥ |
tarjanīṃ pūrvavadvṛddhi madhyamāṅguṣṭha parvakam || 18
tatsyādyavādikaṃ cānyatagraparvārdhato nakhāḥ |
aṅguṣṭhaparvayor nāhaścaturaṅgula sammitaḥ || 19
madhyamāṣṭāṃśato hrāsaśśeṣānāṃ bhagavāniti |
kartavyantu yathā hrāsādaṅgulīnāñca pañcakam || 20
lalāṭaṃ taccaturbhissyānnāsāvaṃśastathā mataḥ |
yavāgrairdvyaṅgulotsedho nimnantasyārdhamangulam || 21
akṣiṇī dvyaṅgulāyāme tadardhaṃ vusṛte mate |
tarkāltu tribhāgena jātissyāt pañcabhāgikam || 22
angulārdhaṃ bhaveddroṇaṃ dvyardhamaṅgulamāyatam |
adharoSṣṭānaṅgulena syāttadardhaścottaro bhavet || 23
dvayaṅgulaṃ hanuruddiṣṭā bhavedgaSrdha vistṛtā |
dvikalaṃ sṛtipāśassyāt dvyaṅgulaṃ vistṛtaṃ bhavet || 24
dvādaśāṅgulakaiḥ kaṇṭha ūrdhvayormastakasthitiḥ |
aṣṭadaśāṅgulā jñeyā lalāṭaphalakāsthitiḥ || 25
ṣaṭhiṃśadaṅgulānīha nāho yaśśiraso mataḥ |
stanāntaramukhaṃ jñeyaṃ yavamātrau tu cūcukau || 26
dviyavammaṇḍalaṃ jñeyaṃ vṛṣaṇau hyaṅgulāyatau |
tanmadhya saṃsthitaṃ meḍhraṃ tasya dairghaṃ ṣaḍaṅgulam || 27
bhavennāhena kośordhvani meḍhraṃ syāccaturaṅgulam |
jaṅghāgre pādapanāhaṃ tanmadhyeSṣṭādaśāṅgulam || 28
ekaviṃśatināhena jānumadhyoSṅgulena tu |
dvādaśāgra karo jñeyaḥ prabāhuṣṣoḍaśāṅgulam || 29
tryaṅgulāṅguṣṭhakaḥ pādau dvitayastattato bhavet |
pañcāṅgula parīṇāhastadvaddairghyātpradeśinī || 30
ṣoḍaśāṃśena hīnāssuśśeṣāḥ pavārdhato nakhāḥ|
tarjanyāstryaṅgulo nāhaḥ kartavyoSṣṭāṃśa hrāsataḥ || 31
parīṇāhoSṅgulīnāntu śeṣāṇāmiha coditaḥ |
bhūmadhyamaṅgulaṃ jñeyaṃ makuṭaṃ dvādaśāṅgulam || 32
yaḥ kaścitpratimāyāmo navabhāga vibhājitaḥ |
teṣāmekasya bhāgasya dvādāśāṣṭāṅgulā matāḥ || 33
tenasvāṅgulamanena pratyaṅgaṅgaṃ bhavediha |
evamevātra saṅkṣepātpratimā coditā mayā || 34
savetālādikāḥ kāryā vitastidvayasādhitāḥ |
vitastisaptakenasmāt kiṅkarādiprakalpanā || 35
tripañcatāla hīnāssyurvāmanāḥ kubjakāścaye |
jñātvā saṃyakprakartavyāpratimāyāssvarūpataḥ || 36
Terminology and Definitions
- Vitasti (वितस्ति): A unit of measurement of distance, according to the Vāyu Purāṇa (वायु पुराण). The following table gives some idea about their relations to each other:
1 Vitasti = 8 Aṅgula (finger)
1 Aṅgulas = 8 Yava (barley)
1 Yava = 8 Yūkā (louse)
1 Yūkā = 8 Likṣā (nit)
1 Likṣā = Vālāgra (hair-end)
1 Vālāgra = 8 Rathadhūli
1 Rathadhūli (chariot-dust) = 8 Paramāṇu
mṛgendra āgama vidyā pādaḥ, 13th Chapter, 4th śloka
रजो विलोक्यते तिर्यक् जालाविष्टार्क रोचिषाम्।
तदष्टाष्ट गुणस्थाने तृतीये स्यात्कचाग्रकम्॥
लिक्षा युका यवोप्येवं अङ्गुलं तत्रिसंगुणैः।।
तैरेव गुणितः पाणिः धनुस्तद्वेद लक्षितम्॥
दण्डो द्वे धनुषी ज्ञेयः क्रोशस्तद्विसहरकः।
द्विक्रोशमाहुर्गव्यूतिं द्विगव्यूतिं च योजनम्॥
rajo vilokyate tiryak jālāviṣṭārka rociṣām।
tadaṣṭāṣṭa guṇasthāne tṛtīye syātkacāgrakam॥
likṣā yukā yavopyevaṃ aṅgulaṃ tatrisaṃguṇaiḥ।।
taireva guṇitaḥ pāṇiḥ dhanustadveda lakṣitam॥
daṇḍo dve dhanuṣī jñeyaḥ krośastadvisaharakaḥ।
dvikrośamāhurgavyūtiṃ dvigavyūtiṃ ca yojanam॥
The minute particles seen floating in the rays of the sun which enter through an oblique window are generally known as 'paramanus'. Eight paramanus make one 'trasarenu'. Eight trasarenus make one 'kacagra'. Eight kacagra make one ‘liksha'. Eight liksha make one ‘yuka’. Eight yukas make one ‘yava'. Eight yavas make one angula. Twenty-four angulas make one hasta. Four hastas make one bow(dhanu). Two dhanus make one danda. Two thousand dandas make one ‘krosa’. Two krosas make one ‘gavyuti'. Two gavyutis make one yojana'. (The extent of brahmanda is calculated in terms of yojana).
Hindu Compliance Body
The Hindu compliance body was established under the executive order of The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, dated August 14, 2020, order number 10010, under the title Reviving the Hindu Compliance System and Body
to create, promote, spread and teach the standard procedures for all products and services that are in compliance Hindu Shastras.
HCS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing to HCS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing standard, of necessary details mentioned above. Enquiries related to copyrights to be addressed to KAILASA.