Covering almost every product, process or service imaginable, Hindu Standards are used everywhere.
Browse the various standards which Paramashiva has revealed directly, through the Agamas
Whether you run a business, work for a company or government, or want to know how standards contribute to products and services that you use, you'll find it here.
The HCS 9000 family is the world's most best-known quality management standard for companies and organizations of any size.
HCS - the global Hindu organization in coordinance with the Sovereign Order of KAILASA, providing standards as per Agama for every scale- from the personal, to global scale
About KAILASA - the world's most ancient, enlightened, Hindu civilizational nation
About our Founder - the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, JagatGuru MahaSannidhanam, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam
Paramashiva’s introduction about food is something extraordinary. He is managing your health based on taste, and the permutation combination of the tastes.